Friday, April 17, 2009

Members of the funeral [Jang-rae-sig-ui member - 2008]

The history of a dysfunctional Korean family is revealed as they attend a funeral.

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Atash [Thirst - 2004]

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A family of five, their two goats and donkey live in the middle of nowhere far from their village home. They earn meager living by producing & selling charcoal, made from the surrounding trees. The father and son are the only ones who ever return to their native village. The Mother & two daughters have not left this place since the day they abandoned home, 10 years ago. One day the father decides to provide running water for the family by illegally diverting water onto their land. The three women recoil from the idea but the teenage son obeys submissively anything to be allowed to continue attending school. The water surging through the pipe parallels the surging resentment the family feels towards the father. He brought them to this place against their will and they know the reason they left their home is also the reason they can never return, but the newly free-flowing water on their land re-awakens the instinctive desire for freedom they have been repressing all these years.

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Thirst [final trailer - 2009]

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director: Park Chan Wook

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My home [Why Did You Come to My House - 2009]

Castaway on the moon [Wandering Mr. Kim"]

Milk [2008]

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director: Gus Van Sant

The story of Harvey Milk, and his struggles as an American gay activist who fought for gay rights and became California's first openly gay elected official.

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Passengers [2008]

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A grief counselor working with a group of plane-crash survivors finds herself at the root of a mystery when her clients begin to disappear.

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Red [2008]

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Diary of the dead [2007]

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director: George A. Romero [Night Of The Living Dead, Dawn Of The Dead]

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Amusement [2009]

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Three women are stalked by a killer with a grudge that extends back to the girls' childhoods.

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Dark floors [2008]

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While in the hospital for a tomography of the brain of his autistic daughter Sarah, Ben becomes upset when there is a power failure. He decides to leave the hospital with Sarah, while the nurse Emily tries to convince him to leave Sarah for further treatment. They get the elevator with three other passengers, and suddenly the elevator stops; when the door opens, people has vanished from the hospital.

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Martyrs [2008]

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director: Pascal Laugier

A young woman's quest for revenge against the people who kidnapped and tormented her as a child leads her and a friend, who is also a victim of child abuse, on a terrifying journey into a living hell of depravity.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

DOC: Young@Heart [2007]

Director: Stephen Walker

Plot Outline: Documents the true story of the final weeks of rehearsal for the Young at Heart Chorus in Northampton, MA, whose average age is 81, and many of whom must overcome health adversities to participate. Their music is unexpected, going against the stereotype of their age group, performing songs, for example, by James Brown, and Sonic Youth. Although they have toured Europe and sang for royalty, this account focuses on preparing new songs, not an easy endeavor, for a concert in their home town, which succeeds in spite of several real heart breaking events.

Genre(s): Documentary

Certification: USA: PG

Monday, April 06, 2009

Noul Cinematograf al Regizorului Roman

Noul Cinematograf al Regizorului Roman
Studioul Horia Bernea

Noul Cinematograf al Regizorului Roman (NCRR) este un proiect cultural al MTR avand ca obiectiv prezentarea unei selectii de film european de fictiune si documentar, promovarea tinerilor regizori romani si europeni, a creatiilor lor artistice si documentare, sustinerea dialogului creatorilor cu publicul din Romania.
MTR isi propune crearea unui cinematograf de arta in Bucuresti, un cinematograf al publicului cultivat, un spatiu al artei cinematografice si al dialogului intelectual. Comitetul de selectie al filmelor este alcatuit din: Dumitru Budrala, Nae Caranfil, Tudor Giurgiu, Radu Mihaileanu, Catalin Mitulescu, Cristian Mungiu, Radu Munteanu, Corneliu Porumboiu, Cristi Puiu, Alexandru Solomon. Fiecare regizor va asigura in mod direct si independent programul unei luni de proiectie. In fiecare luna va fi organizata o discutie libera cu regizorul care a propus selectia filmelor.
De asemenea, vor fi organizate intalniri si discutii cu autorii filmelor vizionate.
In cadrul proiectului, un loc privilegiat il are filmul antropologic, caruia ii va fi dedicata permanent ziua de miercuri.


Miercuri, 8 aprilie, de la ora 20.00
DAUGHTER FROM YAN’AN/ Fiica din Yan'an, regia Kaoru Ikeya, Japonia, 2001, 120 min. / ST engleza
Filmul dezvaluie o pagina din atrocitatile comise de autoritatile chineze in timpul Revolutiei Culturale, urmarind destinul unei femei, Haixia, care traieste intr-un sat din regiunea Yan'an.
Proiectat la Astra Film Festival 2002, program Hors Concours


Joi, 9 aprilie, 20:00 si vineri, 10 aprilie, 20:00
NASCUTI LA COMANDA. DECRETEII, regia Florin Iepan, Romania, 2004, 68 min. / ST engleza
O prezentare a generatiei nascute prin „experimentul social” al decretului nr. 770 din 1966, pentru reglementarea intreruperii sarcinii si care, in 1989, au fost primii care au cerut schimbarea regimului.
Premiul Publicului si Mentiunea Speciala a Juriului la Festivalul International de Film Documentar Zagreb Dox din Croatia 2005.



Sambata, 11 aprilie, ora 17:30 si duminica, 12 aprilie, ora 20:00
O, BRAD FRUMOS – regia Andra Aron Hyperion 2009, 9 min.
MEMORIA SUFLETULUI – regia Corina Delia Chirita, Hyperion 2009, 12 min.
LA CAMPANELLA – regia Elena Mircea, Hyperion 2007, 5 min.
INCHISOAREA – regia Mirona – Ioana Tatu, U.N.A.T.C. 1994, 20 min.
ATENTIE... SE INREGISTREAZA – regia Janina Tudor, Hyperion 2009, 5 min.
OMUL LIBER – regia Nicoleta Tarabaseanu, Hyperion 2009, 7 min.
A FOST ODATA IN TRANSILVANIA – regia Manuela Morar, Hyperion, 30 min.
Total: 88 min.


Sambata, 11 aprilie, ora 20:00 si duminica, 12 aprilie, ora 17:30
EL SECRETO DE EDUCAR / Secretul de a educa, regia Sonia Tercero, Spania, 2008, 60 min. / ST engleza
Documentarul relateaza prin intermediul a 15 interviuri cu profesori si fosti elevi, traiectoria unui colegiu ale carui porti s-au deschis in plina dictatura si care, infruntand regimul politic spaniol de atunci prin faptul ca urma calea aleasa de Institución Libre de Enseñanza si de Instituto Escuela, a avut de depasit o multime de obstacole pentru a putea sa-si indeplineasca obiectivele.

Mai multe informatii gasiti pe site.

Proiect realizat prin fonduri Phare
Sponsor : Orange
Parteneri: ASTRA FILM, U.N.A.T.C., Universitatea Hyperion, Institutul Cervantes din Bucuresti
Parteneri media : 24-Fun, Radio Romania Actualitati, Radio Romania Cultural, RFI, Smart FM, Cinemagia,, Hot News, Observator cultural, Ziua

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