Monday, March 31, 2008

REC 69%: Nuovomondo [2006]

REC 70%: Prête-moi ta main [2006]

REC 90%: Dans Paris [2006]

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Ca nu de curand am popularizat musicalul Chansons d'amour al lui Christophe Honoré, care de altfel tot nu de curand a trecut si prin cinematograful bucurestean, filmul din 2006, Dans Paris, de data aceasta mult mai putin un musical in sine, vorbeste tot de iubire. Iubirea ca pura pasiune mistuitoare foarte in stilul francez, iubirea doar ca simpla insiruire de aventuri pur sexuale si nu in ultimul rand iubirea intre membrii de familie. Gravitatea problemelor sentimentale e muta si reiese cutremurator din actiunile personajelor. Admirabila este munca regizorala si scenaristica facute de unul si acelasi om, care pe tot parcursul filmului reusesc sa echilibreze negativismul cu lasarea personajelor a mici iesiri de scapare, a unor raze de speranta.

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REC 75%: This Film Is Not Yet Rated [2006]

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Un documentar independent al regizorului Kirby Dick, incercand sa identifice oamenii de la Hollywood (MPAA) care decid care filme au voie sa fie vazute si care nu, ca rezultat al sistemelor de rating. Documentarul include si o bogata arhiva de imagini, bucati de interviuri cu nenumarati actori mari discutand despre aceasta problema si de filme care nu au reusit sa treaca de ratings, si modul in care sunt apreciate cele mai mici scapari de nuditate in filme.

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REC 80%: Ma mère [2004]

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Based on George Bataille's posthumous and controversial novel: When his father dies, a young man is introduced by his attractive, amoral mother to a world of hedonism and depravity.

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Friday, March 28, 2008

DOC - Manufactured Landscapes

MANUFACTURED LANDSCAPES is the striking new documentary on the world and work of renowned artist Edward Burtynsky. Internationally acclaimed for his large-scale photographs of "manufactured landscapes"—quarries, recycling yards, factories, mines and dams—Burtynsky creates stunningly beautiful art from civilization's materials and debris. The film follows him through China, as he shoots the evidence and effects of that country's massive industrial revolution. With breathtaking sequences, such as the opening tracking shot through an almost endless factory, the filmmakers also extend the narratives of Burtynsky's photographs, allowing us to meditate on our impact on the planet and witness both the epicenters of industrial endeavor and the dumping grounds of its waste.

Okkervil River - For Real

Monday, March 24, 2008

He Was A Quiet Man TRAILER A

"VISUALLY ARRESTING, structurally inventive and entirely UNPREDICTABLE, the film plays like the bastard child of 'Fight Club', 'Brazil' and 'Amelie'..." ...AUDACIOUS... Slater delivers an IMPLOSIVE, fearlessly self-effacing performance." VARIETY/ "SUPERB ACTING, excellent DIRECTION, a riveting story, sterling special filming techniques all herald the opening of He Was a Quiet Man..... this potent story will stay with you long after you leave the theater..." ENTERTAINMENT TODAY/ "... He Was a Quiet Man casts its own perversely funny spell thanks in large part to Slater, whose wonderfully shifty, beaten-down performance is easily his best in the (past) 17 years ... LA WEEKLY/ "He Was A Quiet Man is an excellent, unpredictable and often extremely witty film ... ..director Cappello... is so consistently inventive that the audience never has any idea where the story will head next... SCREEN "If this were a bigger budgeted project (and if life and Hollywood were fair), one could expect to see major award nominations for Frank Capello, Elisha Cuthbert, and especially the amazingly versatile Christian Slater."

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Blush - Ultima Vez/Wim Vandekeybus

“Blush is about boys and girls, loving, streetfighting, falling out… raw sex, gritty humour and magical imagery.”
- Financial Times

Directed by Wim Vandekeybus
Music by David Eugene Edwards
Text by Peter Verhelst & Ultima Vez
Produced by Ultima Vez and KVS/de bottelarij, Brussels

Directed by Wim Vandekeybus, Blush mixes confrontational, intensely physical dance, theatre, film, text and music in an explosion of visual imagery and sound. Love in all its states – lust, temptation, exhilaration, and shame - is the subject of Blush as the performers transform into wild animals, lost Eurydices and raging furies. It is Wim’s fourteenth production for Ultima Vez, featuring an international cast of 10 performers, including Vandekeybus himself.

A rock soundtrack, composed by American singer & songwriter David Eugene Edwards of 16 Horsepower and Woven Hand, forms the background to an avalanche of images. In London, Truro and Glasgow Edward’s Denver based 4-piece band performs live with Ultima Vez.

“It is the pillar of ‘Blush’ with its percussive hammering, cutting and ethereal guitars, heavy, nervous, dreamy ambience. Sometimes Latin, sometimes Voodoo, it doesn’t lose any of its rock essence or its personality.”
- Le Soir

Film sequences featuring the cast, directed by Vandekeybus, are projected in large scale, and introduce one of the most inventive and breathtaking moments of interaction between film and live performance. Diving from the stage into the screen, dancers seamlessly reappear on film, transformed into water nymphs in an underwater netherworld.

Vandekeybus’ work seems to push dancers and technology beyond their limits in a powerful osmosis of live action, film and music. Blush seethes with energy, danger, emotion and sensuality.

“A cross between Trisha Brown and John Woo. Lively and strong, sensual and explosive, wild and elegant.”
- Le Soir

“The performers go to extremes of emotion and physical strength, giving the show a powerful and disturbing energy.”
- Wall Street Journal Europe

“One knows straightaway that one is in a ‘Vandekeybus’, with the violence and the poetry, the drive and the tenderness, delivered in a visual and bodily shock.”
– La Libre Belgique

This production contains nudity, scenes which some may find offensive and is not suitable for children.

A production of Ultima Vez & KVS/de bottelarij in co-production with Théâtre de la Ville (Paris), Le-Maillon (Strasbourg), Teatro Comunale di Ferrara and PACT Zollverein/Choreographisches Zentrum NRW (Essen). Ultima Vez is supported by the Flemish Community and the Flemish Community Commission of the Brussels Capital region. Blush received the support of the Flemish Minister for the Capital City.

A Sadlers Wells and Dance Touring Partnership initiative.
UK Tour funded by Arts Council England.

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Monday, March 17, 2008

En Såpa [2006]

13 Tzameti [2005]

REC 80%: Lust caution [2007] - Ang Lee

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Contextul istoric al anului 1942, perioada in care japonezii ocupau China in timpul celui de-al doilea razboi mondial, determina actiunea filmului, data de un grup de tineri chinezi actori de teatru care in nationalismul debordant incearca sa faca intr-adevar ceva mai mult decat sa protesteze prin arta impotriva ocupatiei inamicului. Un scenariu al lor porneste de la incercarea de asasinat a unui colaborator important al serviciilor secrete japoneze in persoana sarmantului actor Tony Leung Chiu Wai. Acesta va fi si principalul motor ce va exploda destinele tuturor intr-o drama comuna, intr-un joc periculos in care actoria se preschimba in sentimente adevarate si traite cu toata fiinta. Notabil pentru acest film ar fi stilul regizoral al lui Ang Lee, de data aceasta cu alte nuante, mult mai carnal, mai direct in continut si eliberat de metafore.

Asemanari ca tematici: Purple butterfly (Zi hudie - 2003):

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REC 80%: Shim's family [2007]

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Problema familiei disfunctionale a fost intotdeauna un subiect mai mult decat preferat de catre regizori. Shim's family este un film corean care reuseste sa inglobeze universalitatea acestui subiect, indiferent de etnie, numar de membri si job-uri. La prima vedere ar parea o comedie spumoasa, plina de poante bune, insa daca privim mai de aproape si in substrat descoperim o adevarata drama existentiala a unei mame satule de rolul ei de mama dat prin nastere, un tata blazat si complet nefericit in slujba sa de profesor, un fiu la criza tipica de adolescenta, insotit de problemele sale amoroase, o fiica cu capul in nori care-si pune intrebari filozofice si o matusa single, pe post de parazit pe capul familiei. Toate aceste mici universuri unite cu sarcasm si cinism de catre regizor, intr-un aluat amuzant face din film un subiect demn de toata atentia.

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Saturday, March 15, 2008


2001 a fost un an important pentru cantareata de origine japoneza Salyu. Portretizand figura aproape nepamanteana a unui star J-pop, ghidand cu muzica ei personajele incredibilului film cu tematica problematicii tinerilor din Japonia (si-mi permit aici sa extind arealul chiar catre Asia), All about Lily Chou-Chou (regizor: Shunji Iwai), ea a reusit sa se lanseze puternic. De curand mi-am adus aminte cat de mult m-a impresionat respectivul film si de cadrele absolut feerice din el drept pentru care m-am apucat sa caut pe internet:


Tobenai Tsubasa (Wings That Can't Fly) - remember All about Lily Chou-Chou :)

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Billy The Kid (Documentary)

"I'm not black, I'm not white, not foreign...ju...
Added: December 01, 2007
"I'm not black, I'm not white, not foreign...just different in the mind -- different brains, that's all..." - Billy

Jennifer Venditti's debut film is the provocative coming-of-age story BILLY THE KID, an odyssey into the soul of an American teenager. Following Billy as he bicycles through the quiet streets of small town Maine, we watch him traverse the frustrating gap between imagination and reality, grappling with isolation and first-time young love. By turns exhilarating and disturbing we see the world from the intimate view of an expressive and seemingly fearless outsider.

Some little sense of humor

Nestle Milkybar

Foreign Cable


Thursday, March 13, 2008

LEMMING - Trailer español.

Love Songs Trailer

The Happening Trailer