REC 100%: Heima [At home - 2007]

After completing a 13-month world tour in which they promoted their fourth album, the rock-oriented "Takk", the band Sigur Ros came home to Iceland in the summer of 2006 to give free concerts as a sign of their gratitude to Iceland. Director Dean DeBlois (Lilo and Stich) was there to film them as they toured the stark, almost alien-looking landscape, performing a series of mostly unannounced concerts in a variety of locales throughout the country.
Si ca tot suntem la capitolul Sigur Rós sunt bucuroasa sa anunt data de 23 iunie 2008 ca data lansarii celui de-al 5-lea album, Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust (With a buzz in our ears we play endlessly):

1. Gobbledigook
2. Inní mér syngur vitleysingur
3. Góðan daginn
4. Við spilum endalaust
5. Festival
6. Með suð í eyrum
7. Ára bátur
8. Illgresi
9. Fljótavík
10. Straumnes
11. All Alright
Pentru alte detalii, vizitati site-ul si nu uitati sa downloadati de la ei de pe site, gratuit, prima piesa a albumului, Gobbledigook, si sa vizionati videoclipul pentru acesta.
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